Archives for posts with tag: ICJ
First International Day for Genocide Victims
From Diplomat Artist Buzz & Global Citizen
Genocide – Once More, Never Again?


China’s Miracle Economy Goes from Illusion to Nightmare?
By, Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey via Huffington Post

If there was one virtue that China projected, it was an economy that could handle like a BMW, and go from 0 to 7.5% growth in 3 months. –More–

At UN, Countries to Consider Need for Global Instrument to Protect Marine Biodiversity

Positive move for marine biodiversity & conservation from UN this week, including UN International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling in Whaling Case: Australia vs Japan eliciting temporary halt to whaling activities in Antarctic affecting fin, humpback, & minke whales.

Netherlands Sets Fresh Course vs. Moscow on Greenpeace “Arctic Sunrise” Seizure and Arrests: By, Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey

Perhaps just as critical for the evolution of international environmental activism, there is now an international legal precedent that may offer both greater protection and responsibility.


Both the new leaders in Beijing and now Tokyo have been adept at employing heated rhetoric over disputed islands in the East China Sea to establish patriotic credentials, but it is also likely that they will not be able to manage and peacefully ramp down the raised emotions and nationalist agenda. Xi Jinping the newly selected China Communist Party Chief and President and Japan’s newly elected Shinzo Abe appear until now to be primarily addressing the Island dispute more as tactical rather than strategic consideration. It serves their ability to short term raise political support and/or votes. However, the real strategic benefit to both countries would be to continue/enhance trading relationships that have made East Asia the global economic engine and to share in the exploitation of apparently significant natural resources in the waters surrounding the territorial waters off the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands, (as they are known in Japan/China respectively).
Beijing has only ramped up its nationalist profile since Xi took over, both in similar South China Sea disputes with neighbors Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines as well as the East China Sea. (Read our recent article: “Beijing Draws New Expansionist Borders-Signals Accent of Hardliners” ). In all instances, compromise might serve the pragmatic interests of all nations but particularly China. The disputed islands/waters hold no or very few inhabitants and no cultural/historical links. Nonetheless, the heated rhetoric and other methods are being manufactured to raise the nationalist claims.
Beijing has sought to avoid any reference of the disputes to multilateral institutions or courts such as the United Nations or the International Court of Justice. Beijing perhaps understands its claims to be weak and prefers to employ its significant economic, political and military muscle to as some argue “bully” competing claimants into partial or perhaps total abdication. Beijing also seeks to deal with each of the other claiming states individually rather than agree to a resolution that brings all together – something that would be rational in view that there are multiple claimants to some of the islands and surrounding waters. Again, Beijing appears to be opting for a divide and conquer policy apparently seeking to overwhelm each of its rivals one by one.
However, Beijing may already be badly miscalculating. Some of the rival claimants are seeking the support of the regional multilateral organization ASEAN. Further, some are inviting Washington into the dispute as “White Knight.” The United States also perceives a real strategic interest not the least being that new claims could obstruct shipping lanes. Vietnam and the Philippines are courting US backing and now increasingly Japan regardless of recent animosities. China may find itself creeping into regional isolation.
Does all of this though have to lead to military confrontation, or are we just seeing rivals puff-up feathers before cooler heads and practical interests prevail? Unfortunately, the puffing-up can lead to its own course from which Beijing and now Tokyo may find it difficult to reverse and be seen as losing face with domestic audiences. Most critically, with Beijing so eager to avoid a multi-lateral forum for resolution, it has placed its bets on a favorable resolution by flexing its newly developed muscle. What happens though when the other guy starts to push back – military conflict appears more readily available than a diplomatic or judicial resolution?

Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey

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From South China Sea, East China Sea & further north & east, as many small islands dot the maritime landscape so does the potential for anyone becoming a landmine to a broader war. The current hot spots appear to be focused around Japan, most notably disputes with South Korea, Russia as well as China. –MORE–


UNSG Ban Ki-moon appropriately acknowledged the UN’s failures in protecting Srebrenica &. its residents in the “safe area” that it had established. The full truth of the betrayal of Srebrenica still is not fully delivered. Most critically, the victims/families of Srebrenica have yet to realize any meaningful remedy for the crime of genocide committed.

Broader application for universal jurisdiction on grave violations of international humanitarian law? On its face, case before the ICJ (International Court of Justice) was already strange: Belgium seeking extradition of Chad’s former leader living presumably in exile & already being prosecuted by Senegal. Belgium was exercising a form of universal jurisdiction. –More–

Blog Report: HAS KARADZIC COURT BECOME APOLOGISTS’ JUSTICE? By Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey
It is not about Radovan Karadzic but those who legitimized his role then & now. The evidence against Karadzic also condemns the apologists for ethnic cleansing & those who continue to insist upon a future as well as map for Bosnia & Herzegovina carved via ethnic genocide throughout the whole country and not just Srebrenica. –More–